Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journeyman League 2012 Round 1

*This post will be updated with the latest information on Round 1 as it is available

Gameplay Points so far:
Josh (Circle) 12
John (Menoth) 11
Gui (Khador) 9
Tyler (Cygnar) 9
Mike (Menoth) 4
Andrew (Trolls) 2
Nate (Rhulic) 2

Hobby Points:
John 12
Josh 3
Gui 0
Mike 0
Tyler 0
Nate 0
Andrew 0

Journeyman Points:
John 23
Josh 15
Gui 9
Tyler 9
Mike 4
Andrew 2
Nate 2

Matches Complete:
Gui vs Mike - Gui
John vs Josh - Josh
Gui vs Tyler - Tyler
Mike vs John - John
John vs Tyler - John
Josh vs Tyler - Josh
Josh vs Andrew - Josh
Gui vs Josh - Josh
Gui vs John - John
Nate vs Tyler - Tyler

Matches left by player:
Gui (2):
- Nate
- Andrew

Josh (2):
- Nate
- Mike

John (2):
- Nate
- Andrew

Andrew (5):
- Gui
- John
- Tyler
- Mike
- Nate

Tyler (2):
- Andrew
- Mike

Mike (4):
- Andrew
- Josh
- Tyler
- Nate

Nate (5):
- Gui
- Josh
- John
- Mike
- Andrew